Manage Your Budget Easily And Save Money

#1 expense tracker app for you to manage your income and expenses

How It Works

1. Create a KharchaBook

Just give your book a name and start right away

2. Invite Friends or family

Send them the KharchaBook link and they will be able to join instantly!

3. Track Finances Together

Multiple members in a book can add entries simultaneously.

Create Multiple KharchaBooks

Dedicate separate spaces for different accounts. Keep one for home, one for business, one for personal etc.

Track Your Spendings

Make a habit of adding your entries daily and learn to control your expenses.

Track Your Spendings

Make a habit of adding your entries daily and learn to control your expenses.

Add Others in your Book

Track your finances with multiple users and see who spent on what. Invite your spouse, roommates, families or business partners to your KharchaBook!

Analyse Income and Expenses

Ckeck the Overview section to understand where your money is going

Analyse Income and Expenses

Check the Overview section to understand where your money is going

Download Now for Free!